Monday, September 12, 2011

Coming soon to a tv set near you. =D

So. Apparently, my brain is on hiatus. In lieu of productivity, in the final minutes of my workday, I googled "spanish la liga coverage philippines". Lo and behold, a treasure trove of links revealed themselves to me. According to the various online sources, ESPN Star has secured the broadcast rights to the Spanish La Liga for three seasons, 2012 to 2015. I couldn't be happier. Well, except if they'd announced that they'd acquired the broadcast rights to the 2011-2012 season as well. So anyway, that's my dose of good news for the day.

And yes, Cesc Fabregas HAS returned to Barcelona. AND he's doing really well, I must say. Can't say the same for Fernando Torres though. But hey, the long hair is back, so maybe he'll get his mojo back too.